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Hotel Horizon

Born for business, one for leisure

Hotel Horizon

Born for business, one for leisure

Hotel Horizon

Born for business, one for leisure

Why choose Hotel Horizon

  • The place to relax

    Heated pool, gym, wellness program and a wide choice of face and body treatment

  • Exclusive venue

    Lounge bar, panoramic restaurant, convention center, terrace with pool and a qualified staff.

  • At your service 24/7

    Your favourite hotel for a relax weekend or your business trip

  • Born for business, unique for leisure.

    In Montegranaro, in a beautiful spot of the Marche countryside, where Sibillini mountains seem to stretch to touch the Adriatic sea, you will find Hotel Horizon, modern 4****S Hotel with spa, in a strategic position between the charming beaches of Civitanova Marche and Porto Sant'Elpidio and the remarkable shopping outlet district of high fashion brands such as Tod's, Prada, Fabi, Nero Giardini and others.

  • Rooms and Suites

    The hotel consists of 50 rooms and 5 suites with private garden and kitchenette, ideal for a long stay, which can accommodate up to 4 people.

    All rooms are spacious, elegantly furnished and equipped with free internet, Television with SKY channels available, mini bar, safe and a large bathroom equipped with a spacious shower or Jacuzzi.
  • Beauty Farm

    Situated on the second floor of the hotel, CHARM BEAUTY FARM makes your stay memorable. Entirely designed for your well-being, it offers every comfort for your moments of true wellness. Here you will find: Heated swimming pool with chromotherapy, water jets, whirlpool corners, panoramic view, and sunroof. The pool is sanitized with ozone, which makes water odorless and tasteless, and is 3000 times stronger than chlorine against bacteria; Wellness path with Finnish Sauna, Turkish Bath, Mediterranean Bath, two Emotional Showers, Ice Fountain, Relaxation Room with chromotherapy, and a corner with warm herbal teas; Area for massages and beauty treatments with 5 cabins and specialized staff and technologies; Sun terrace and solarium; Gym.  ACCESS FOR HOTEL GUESTS  Access to the heated swimming pool
    If you book A STAY directly on our website, calling us at the number 0734873864 or sending us an email at, you will get a 3-HOUR FREE ACCESS TO POOL!

    Access to the wellness path
    If you want to enjoy our wellness path during your stay, please note you can book: 45-minute access to the wellness path (shared access, maximum 6 people per shift): € 20 per person; private 45-minute access to the wellness path: € 30 per person. ACCESS FOR NON-RESIDENTS Access to the heated swimming pool 3-hour single entrance including: Access to the heated swimming pool; Wellness kit with bathrobe and towel € 30 per person (this service is available ONLY FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY).   
    Access to heated swimming pool and wellness path 3-hour single entrance including: Access to the heated swimming pool; 45-minute access to the wellness path (shared access, maximum 6 people per shift); Wellness kit with bathrobe and towel € 45 per person from Monday to Friday € 50 per person EVERY DAY (including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays). 

    If you want to enjoy a private 45-minute access to the wellness path, you can book it with an extra charge of   € 10 per person. Booking is required for all options. For information and reservation call us at the number 0734 898899 or send us an email at CHARM BEAUTY FARM OPENING TIMES:
    Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Weekends and public holidays: 9 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
  • Video

    Come and enjoy Hotel Horizon experience!

    In our philosophy, the health of our customers and employees comes first. Hotel Horizon has always been at the forefront as a template location for quality and hygiene. For this reason we have developed an internal protocol aimed not only to contain the spread of Covid-19, but also to ensure more security and pleasant stay.The rooms and public places are equipped with “Pure & Clean” air sanitizers Active Pure Technology, certified Space Technology by NASA, which operate 24 hours a day.   The entrance is equipped with thermoscanner which detects body temperature and presence of maskFORMATION AND INFORMATION All the staff of the Hotel have been properly trained on the procedures that are strictly implemented. The company, through the most appropriate and effective methods, informs all workers, customers and anyone who enters the company about the provisions of the current legislation, delivering and/ or posting at the entrance and in the most visible places special information leaflets, the list of the 10 rules to be respected as indicated by the Ministry and a copy of the Shared Protocol of 24/04/2020.   MODE OF ENTRY At the entrance is set up a work station for measuring the temperature and detection of the mask (electronic thermoscanner). In case the body temperature will be higher than 37.5 weeks, and in case of cough or difficulty in breathing will not be allowed access to the workplace. The measurement takes place in compliance with the current privacy legislation.   Supplier access The suppliers will not have any contact with the staff of the company because they will pass through passages for exclusive use. At loading/unloading points, it shall be ensured that the operations are carried out in a way that doesn’t involve direct contact between operators and drivers and always in the distance of one meter.   RECEPTION In the Hall and other common areas, interpersonal distance of at least one meter between one person and another shall always be respected. Hotel reminds guests of this recommendation through several information panels. It is made gel with a concentration of 60-85% alcohol for hand hygiene available to staff and guests.   The reception staff shall be provided with recognition marks and personal protective equipment necessary for the proper conduct of their work: gloves (if necessary) and masks. In common areas guests must wear the mask in situations where it is not possible to ensure the physical distance required by current regulations. Masks, disposable gloves and disinfectant for surfaces, where possible, will be available to guests who request it, possibly also for a fee.   In order to facilitate the disposal of the protective equipment used by guests, there are waste bins equipped with a bag to allow it to be emptied without coming into contact with the content.   In order to avoid gatherings and reduce the time spent in the reception area, guests may be required to send to the hotel, before arrival, all the information necessary for registration, and a copy of the identity document to be presented on arrival. Whenever possible, it is limited the hands contact with the objects of the guests. The keys to the rooms are cleaned or replaced at each change of the guest. For luggage handling is provided the use of gloves   Use of lifts is allowed to 1 person at a time in order to allow the respect of the interpersonal distance. Distance may be waived in the case of persons belonging to the same household or sharing a room. Elevator buttons are frequently cleaned.   Assistance to guests and requests for assistance Reception staff are able to facilitate access to health services. For this purpose, telephone numbers are available at the reception in case of need: single emergency number (112), Covid Regional number 800936677. Instructions on behaviour in the presence of people with fever and/or respiratory symptoms are contained in the appropriate section of this Protocol.   CLEANING AND SANITIZING PROCEDURES, INDOOR AIR QUALITY The company ensures daily cleaning and sanitization of the rooms, environments, workstations and common areas and leisure. The daily cleaning is carried out according to the practice in use in the company, using detergents adapted to the different types of material treated, respecting the indications of use provided by the manufacturers. The sanitization of the environment is the activity which concerns the complex of procedures and operations designed to render the environment healthy and safe by means of cleansing and subsequent disinfection, for example with a solution of sodium hypochlorite diluted to 0,1% or 70% ethyl alcohol for surfaces that may be damaged by sodium hypochlorite in accordance with the indications of use provided by manufacturers.   The common areas and rooms are equipped with “Pure & Clean” Active Pure Technology sanitizers that operate 24 hours a day.   Approach to the hotel floor services   The cleaners of the rooms and the cleaners of the common areas are equipped with personal protective equipment necessary for the proper performance of their work: gloves, mask, cap for the hair (if necessary), footwear suitable for sanitisation. Whenever possible, the presence of multiple employees in the same room is avoided at the same time. In any case, during the cleaning of the rooms the guest must not be present.   The cleaning of the room is done in different ways depending on whether it is already occupied by a guest (stay over) or is intended to accommodate a new guest (departure). In case of a stay over the room is cleaned according to regular practice. In case of departure the room will be sanitized. It is the guest’s right to request that during the stay the cleaning staff does not enter the room. After each cleaning cycle the gloves are changed. The waste is thrown in the basket, equipped with bag. The bag containing the waste is closed and stored in the waste bin of the trolley. Cleaning covers all surfaces that have come into contact with the guest, such as bedside tables, desk, chairs, coffee tables, any furnishings, telephone, remote control, handles and push-buttons, wardrobes and drawers. The cleaning material (cloths, wipes and what is necessary for cleaning and dusting) is either disposable or previously treated with a solution of sodium hypochlorite 2% for 10 minutes or with another treatment of equal effectiveness. The floors are cleaned and sanitized with products suitable for different types of materials. In common areas all elements that come in repeated contact with guests, such as handles, grab bars, push buttons etc. are cleaned at regular intervals depending on the level of use.   Operating modes of the service in common areas   The living and leisure area, like any other area of the structure in which there are several people, is periodically ventilated. The floors are washed and sanitized with products suitable for different types of materials at least twice a day, and in any case with an appropriate frequency due to crowding. In the case of furniture and all contact surfaces, periodic cleaning is carried out as in the case of rooms as close as the influx of guests. Outside the toilets of the common areas are made available gel dispensers with a concentration of alcohol at 60-85% for the hygiene of the hands, with the indication of sanitizing the hands before access and even at the exit. In the case of the presence of a person with COVID-19 inside the hotel, the cleaning, sanitization and ventilation of the above shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Circular No. 5443 of 22 February 2020 of the Ministry of Health.   Air conditioning systems Considering that indoor air quality has an important influence on health in emergency conditions associated with the SARS-virus epidemicCov-2, the Company implements the following general actions and recommendations for maintaining good indoor air quality in working environments, as indicated in the ISS COVID-19 Report No. 5/2020, such as: - common areas and rooms are equipped with Pure & Clean Active Pure Technology sanitizers that operate 24 hours a day - good exchange of air is ensured in all areas where there are workstations and workers, opening the various openings more frequently; - Increased frequency of maintenance / replacement of incoming air filter packs - in the case of heating/cooling systems using heat pumps, fancoils or convectors, where it is not possible to guarantee the correct air-conditioning of the rooms by keeping the systems stationary, the recirculation air filters shall be cleaned weekly according to the manufacturer’s instructions, when stationary, to maintain the appropriate filtration/removal levels. •    ventilation inlets and grates are cleaned with clean microfiber cloths moistened with soap and water or 75% ethyl alcohol;   ADMINISTRATION OF FOOD AND DRINK (Restaurant and Bar) At the entrance of areas for the administration of food and drink it is always mandatory to respect the interpersonal distance of at least one meter between one person and another. The staff and guests are provided with alcoholic gel with an alcohol concentration of between 60-85% for hand hygiene, with a firm indication of use before entering the restaurant/bar. The use of common hangers is prohibited. The cloakroom service is provided only if it is possible to avoid contact between the objects of the different guests (for example, keeping adequate distances or using disposable dress covers and disposable umbrella bags).   Common areas frequented by workers only (kitchen, pantry, dressing room, bathroom workers...) ●We organize the activities in order to guarantee a delayed use of the spaces ●Workers' access to common areas (e.g. changing rooms) is allowed one at a time   Common areas used by workers and customers ● The tables are distributed ensuring the distance of at least one meter between the diners of nearby tables considering the distance from sitting. Exceptions are permitted for cohabiting partners. In the case of two or more people not living together, the distances of 1 metre sitting and 1 metre facing or alternatively using separation panels (such as plexiglas) must be guaranteed. We encourage the adoption of menus and wine list digital or printed on disposable sheets to limit both the contact with materials and that between customers and workers. The attendants, who are in direct contact with food, must wear the mask and gloves (if necessary) and must wash or sanitize the hands with alcoholic gel frequently, care that is also required to customers at the time of serving meals. ● Tablecloths are replaced at each guest change. If stain covers are used above the tablecloths, they are replaced. When tablecloths don’t cover the entire surface of the table, he is cleaned after each service.   ● Meals are managed with mandatory reservation ● We prefer the equipment of the tables with necessary condiments (sauces, condiments, etc single-dose); ● The counter shall be suitably marked for distance and protection; ● Dishes, glasses, cutlery and so on are washed in the dishwasher at an appropriate temperature, so that they can be disinfected, including items that have not been used by customers as they may have come into contact with their hands. ● Tablecloths, napkins and other table fabrics are placed in specific laundry bags and washing must ensure the removal of pathogens;    SERVICE The restaurant service is provided by the staff, equipped with appropriate equipment, with table service and "à la carte” menu. Alternatively, the food will be exposed, adequately protected, and then be served at the table.   BUFFET Buffet service is provided only if distance can be guaranteed and crowding avoided. The foods displayed in the buffet are adequately protected. In case it is not possible, the anti droplet protections are installed. The guests, as well as the restaurant staff, must be equipped with masks. Pliers, spoons, ladles and other utensils available to guests can be used only after sanitization of the hands with special dispenser, replaced frequently and left in separate containers, in order to avoid as much as possible the direct contact between the hands of the guests and the food. At each service all the surfaces of the buffet are cleaned and disinfected.   ROOM SERVICE The food to be served by room service is transferred to the floor on trays or by trolleys with closed containers or with a special lid. During the transfer care is taken to protect food from accidental contamination by staff, who will have to wear gloves and masks.   PREPARATION OF THE FOOD Food preparation personnel have received training in food preparation, wearing masks and gloves, to be changed with the frequency indicated by the manufacturers. The gloves must be changed, in particular after having carried out activities not related to food, such as the manual opening/ closing of the doors of entry and exit from the kitchen rooms and the emptying of containers. All surfaces and utensils in contact with food are frequently washed and sanitized.   MANAGEMENT OF OPEN SPACES The procedures adopted in indoor environments are also applied in outdoor spaces: distance between tables and delimitation of spaces.PROTOCOL FOR THE EXERCISE OF WELLNESS CENTRE ACTIVITIES All activities are carried out exclusively by appointment. Customers with febrile and/or flu-like symptoms (cough, conjunctivitis) or customers who have had contact with positive subjects at COVID-19 in the last 14 days or have returned from risk areas (WHO indications) are not allowed access to the wellness centre. Information material on hygiene measures shall be prepared. Access to the structure is regulated in such a way as to avoid gatherings and waiting in the common spaces. Entry is allowed only wearing the mask.   It ensures that each worker follows and manages the same customer in all stages of processing, to avoid promiscuity within the same structure; Dispensers are placed at the entrance of the room to clean hands and/or disposable gloves; It is allowed the presence of only one customer at a time in the reception area, toilets and other common areas; At the entrance is delivered an individual disposable bag to collect the personal effects of the customer to return when the service is completed. The permanence of the customers inside the structure is allowed limited to the time strictly needed to the provision of the service/treatment; The interpersonal safety distance between the worker and the customer is guaranteed whenever the work phases allow. It is mandatory the use of the surgical mask both by the worker and the client and the scrupulous care of hand hygiene because most job-related tasks require direct contact with the client and do not allow compliance with the minimum safety distance (the courtesy mask shall also be made available to the customer if he does not have one); Operators always wear disposable gloves; in cases where the use of gloves is not possible (e.g. depilation) hygiene procedures are adopted in accordance with current legislation both industry and anti-counterfeiting measures COVID-19 (it is advisable not to wear rings, bracelets, watches); We proceed, in relation to the Anti-counterfeiting Safety Protocol signed on April 24, to ensure the body temperature of employees and incoming customers using infrared thermometer, in compliance with the indications regarding the protection of privacy;   It guarantees the cleaning and sanitization of the environments (according to indications of the Ministry of Health in Circular 5443 of 22/2/20 "Cleaning of non-sanitary environments") with frequency of at least twice a day and in any case depending on the turnout, working shifts and ventilation systems, with particular attention also to common contact surfaces such as doors, handholds, handrails, etc. It is guaranteed regular air exchange with natural openings where possible. Priority is given to the use of disposable devices/instruments (razor blades, needles, towels...); for non disposable instruments, follow the protocols of sanitization, disinfection, sterilization, disposal in compliance with the procedures provided for by the current legislation on the hygiene of the sector. Fabric coatings are changed each and every customer and are washed with detergent and water at high temperatures (60-90,000); A plexiglas barrier is installed in the reception area. Plexiglas visors are used for face to face treatments for which the interpersonal distance of one metre cannot be guaranteed Sanitize workstations after each treatment/service; Disinfection/sterilization of equipment and toilets is carried out after each use according to the hygiene regulations of the sector; Personal clothing must be stored in a separate and closed locker, including personal items (bag, clothes, shoes, telephone, etc.); Disposable overshoes or hygienic shoes are used; Gowns and towels are either disposable or are washed at high temperature with sanitizing products.   We guarantee the accurate cleansing/sanitization of the beds with sodium-bleach hypochlorite (dilution of 0.1% in active chlorine) or denatured alcohol (at least 70%), and aeration of the cabin after each treatment.   Customers are received exclusively by appointment, limiting the entrance and avoiding any possibility of gathering (between one appointment and another at least 20 minutes to allow sanitization and ventilation of the environment and tools); The minimum distance of at least two metres between treatment stations, e.g., using alternating stations, shall be provided. Tools shall be sterilised by autoclaving or other equivalent sterilisation methods; The tools themselves are packaged as is the case for the medical category of dentists; Sanitization is carried out (in accordance with Ministerial Circular No. 5443 of 22/2/20 "Cleaning of non-sanitary environments") at each entrance/service of: furniture, cots, floors and machinery in order to preserve customers from pathogenic agents;     CLEANING AND SANITIZING POOL/WELLNESS CENTRE The use of the pool is allowed only on the basis of a restriction of access, frequent water exchange and disinfection, appropriate to prevent exposure to Covid-19 infection by customers both in the access area and inside the pool. The access to the pool is controlled through an entrance/ exit limited number in relation to the capacity of the structure with a frequency of 10 square meters for 4 people. Taking into account that the activity in the pool is presented as a dynamic context, the distance between persons of at least two meters with derogation for persons belonging to the same family or cohabiting must be guaranteed inside the water.   Entry into the water is allowed only after a thorough shower on the entire body.   It is mandatory to use the cap; it is forbidden to spit, blow your nose, urinate in water. Very young children should wear swimming diapers   In order to ensure an high level of protection, the pool is guaranteed with the effectiveness of the water treatment chain and the limit of the parameter free active chlorine in the tank between 1,0 - 1,5 mg/l, combined chlorine 0,40 mg/l, pH 6.5 - 7.5. Please note that these limits must be strictly guaranteed in the presence of bathers.   To ensure social distance guests are advised to share beds only if they are member of the same family and with towel/ beach towel owned. Customers are provided with disposable cot covers to be stored on the cots under the towel supplied. The entrance into the water is arranged allowing social distancing. The employees will take care to recall compliance with the rules where necessary. The furnishings (umbrellas, sunbeds, deck chairs) by the pool or solarium area, are positioned in fixed locations in such a way as to ensure respect for interpersonal distances. The minimum distance between cots shall not be less than 1,5mt. Equipment such as sunbeds, deckchairs, chairs, benches are daily subjected to cleaning and disinfection. The owner of the structure is obliged to inform customers and to implement all the indications in the guidelines   MANAGEMENT OF A SYMPTOMATIC PERSON In the event that a person in the hotel (host, collaborator, etc.) presents fever and symptoms of respiratory infection (dry cough, fever, sore throat, difficulty breathing) it shall be promptly communicated to the management. If the person with symptoms is an employee, he or she should immediately stop working. The company management promptly informs the competent health authority (by contacting the Regional number 800936677) or the medical guard. In order to minimize the risk of infection, the following measures should be taken waiting for the arrival of health professionals: - make him wear a surgical mask; - minimize contact with other persons; - direct it to its own room or to an isolated environment with the door closed, ensuring adequate natural ventilation; - exclude the air recirculation system, if possible; - only in this case facial protection devices, dress covers and FFP2 masks be used; Protective kit A kit is deposited at the reception to be used for those with symptoms from Covid-19 or for those who take care of an affected person. The kit includes the following elements: - masks of type FFP2; - facial protection, - gloves (disposable); - protective apron (disposable); - full-length long-sleeved jumpsuit, - shoe covers (disposable) - disinfectant/ germicidal wipes for cleaning surfaces and tissues; •    single-use bag for biohazard waste.    Cleaning of the symptomatic case environments    In rooms and other rooms of the accommodation facility where confirmed cases of Covid-19 have stayed before being hospitalized, the following cleaning measures will be applied. Due to the possible survival of the virus in the environment for some time, places and areas potentially contaminated with SARS-Cov-2 must be thoroughly cleaned with common water and detergents before re-use. For decontamination, the use of 0.1% sodium hypochlorite after cleaning is recommended. For surfaces that may be damaged by sodium hypochlorite, use 70% ethanol after cleaning with a neutral detergent. Special care should be taken to clean all surfaces frequently touched, such as wall surfaces, doors and windows, toilet and sanitation surfaces. During cleaning operations with chemicals, ventilation of the rooms is ensured. Bed linen, curtains and other fabric materials shall be subjected to a wash cycle with hot water at 90 weeks C and detergent. If it is not possible to wash the fabric at 90 º C, add the washing cycle with bleach or products based on sodium hypochlorite). All cleaning operations must be carried out by personnel wearing personal protective equipment (FFP2 respiratory filter, facial protection, disposable gloves, waterproof long-sleeved disposable shirts). At the end of the operation, follow the measures indicated for the safe removal of personal protective equipment (undressing).   RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OPERATOR The operator shall fulfil all conditions for compliance with the rules and conduct laid down in this Protocol without being directly responsible for any conduct to the contrary by individual customers.  

    Special offer on your stay valid on Fridays in December (until Christmas).   
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Swimming pool